Ziggy Photography
It is often said that travel broadens the mind and that a picture paints a thousand words. Well, I’m going to give both of those adages a really good go. With some words…………. actually, probably a lot of words.
So, please join me as I try to broaden my mind and find stories to tell, both with pictures and with words.

My Analogue Photography Journey. March 2020 to March 2021
However, in the process, I found a Nikon FM2n on eBay which looked to be brand, spanking new. A camera which was…

Oradour-sur-Glane, the Site of a WW2 Massacre. January 2020
On 10th June 1944, soldiers from the Der Führer regiment of the Das Reich 2nd SS-Panzer Division, entered the little…

Protests in France. January 2020
In October 2018, the French government implemented an increase in the tax on petrol and diesel…………..These…

Paris, An Imagined City. January 2020
I think that many of us have an image of a given place. An image which has been created and influenced by the films…

Refugees, Dunkerque. January 2020.
Over the last thirty years, Europe has experienced wave after wave of refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants.…

Nicosia, The Divided City. October 2019
At the junction of Lefkanos Street and Faneromenis, a mere stones throw away from the Church of Panagia Faneromeni, is…
Barcelona. 8th March 2020
I should have been out there with my camera. I should be covering this. BUT, all I can think about is Ricki. Did he get his test? Yes, he did. At about 10:00am. What will it show?………………………………
Zaragoza. 7th March 2020
Just as there were no Coronavirus measures for my journey from Barcelona Sants to Zaragoza Delicias, there were none on the return journey either.
Zaragoza. 6th March 2020
“Because his symptoms are Coronavirus-like and because he’s been to Singapore recently, the GP won’t see us……………”
Belchite. 5th March 2020
Today I finally go to see Belchite, the reason for my visit to Zaragoza.
Zaragoza. 3rd March 2020
The apartment is in the old part of the city and is literally at the back of what, to me, is one of the most striking, and slightly perplexing, churches in Zaragoza.
Barcelona. 3rd March 2020
The hot topic over the last few weeks has been (no surprise……drum role……whatever) the Coronavirus.
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